Friday, October 10, 2008

West Vancouver Track Workout

Just got back from training a client at the track in West Vancouver. It was pretty cold out so I trained with him. Here's what we did:
- 2-hand kettlebell swings for 30 seconds
immediately on to
- double kettlebell clean and press for 30 seconds
immediately on to
-Lebert bar pushup to dip combo for 30 seconds
immediately on to
-rope smash for 30 seconds
immediately on to
-1 lap of the track (400 meters)

We did this circuit 3 times then went non to

- Alternating kettlebell swings for 30 seconds
immediately on to
-alternating kettlebell press for 30 seconds
immediately on to
-Lebert bar horizontal rows for 30 seconds
immediately on to
- alternating rope smash for 30 seconds
immediately on to
- 1 lap of the track

We did 3 rounds of this circuit as well.

That was the workout. Believe me I was not cold after a few rounds.

For those of you unfamiliar with Lebert bars, here is a short video with the creator, Mark Lebert, demonstrating the rows.

Well, that's all for today,

Dan Webster
Titanium Fitness Personal Training
North Vancouver

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